5 Things To Keep In Mind while starting your dev journey
Howdy, Everyone!! Hope everyone reading this is in the pink of health.
In this blog, I am going to share my personal 5 important things to keep in mind while ( or during) the initial days of the development journey.
1) Slow And Steady : slow and steady always wins the race. No matter what the field is. And this same thing happens in the software development field as well.
In the initial days of learning any skill, we ( humans) are so much excited. Our willpower is at its peak but it sometimes can affect us negatively.
Consuming too much knowledge in the initial days of the dev journey is not a good idea as per me. By no means I am trying to say that don't learn stuff, do it but one piece at a time.
Don't try to build Rome in a single day.
Collect resources, do research on what blogs to read from but don't consume everything all together,
2) Avoid jumping from resource to resource.
No doubt we have a plethora of content creators on youtube as well as udemy, udacity etc.
And as a beginner, it's obvious to get excited and buy every course you see out there on the sale and also because you think that a specific tech stack looks so fancy!
let's learn this one.
Learn the specific tech you want to and that too from the minimum number of resources.
as skipping from one youtube playlist or course to another might ruin the flow of learning.
Follow one course or tutorial and try to grasp as much as you can.
3) Don't just learn individual topics and call it a day
Learning and understanding individual topics is fun and one should definitely do that but try to mix and combine them in a project.
Combining them together and building something out of it will make you learn how individual parts are taken together and used to build an entire app or web.
3) Improve the quality of input
By improving the input, I don't mean the inputs of your code. lol ( PJ i know)
Improving the input means the way you are feeding your brain to learn something. If your input is bad, the processing will be bad and the output will be worst.
So avoid distractions while learning to code as it requires focus and attention.
4) Practice and Practice
Needless to say, to master anything one should practice a lot and the same goes with software development.
Try to apply whatever you have learnt many times in your code as it will build muscle memory and the chances of recalling that thing will become better.